The pre-novitiate house, St. Eliseus Priory, is located in Harrison, New Jersey. The students living in Harrison concentrate their efforts on preparing for the Novitiate. The students attend Seton Hall University, where they enter the Pre-Theology program. This level of formation is the transition from the lay state to religious life. If a student comes in with a degree, he spends a year in St. Eliseus Priory studying philosophy courses. If the student enters without a degree, he is expected to complete an undergraduate degree at Seton Hall University.

- Age: 18-35
- Education:
Candidate can either join with a College degree with any major or begin their college degree at Seton Hall University.
- Citizen of The United States of America or associated with our foundations in Trinidad and Tabago or Vietnam.
- Has the ability to live and grow spiritually with others in community.

Theological Studies:
The Theology House of Studies, Whitefriars Hall, is located in Washington, D.C. All the friars attend The Catholic University of America. Formation at this level comes from the Ratio Institutionis Vitae Carmelitanae, other instructions on formation from our Order and the Program for Priestly Formation of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (5th edition, 2005).
Final Steps
After,the friar finishes his theology degree, the friar can petition the Provincial for Solemn Vows, a Carmelite for Life. If the friar wishes to be Ordained then after Solemn Profession one petitions to be ordained a Deacon and then one petition to be ordained a Priest.

The Novitiate House, Brandsma Priory, is located in Middletown, New York. This is an official canonical year dedicated to preparation for the vowed life. One receives the Carmelite Habit within Evening Prayer with the Brothers present. The emphasis during this year is to study in a more intense way the Charism, the History, the Traditions of the Carmelite Order as the Novice discerns to take Simple Vows, Poverty, Chasity, and Obedience at the conclusion of the year.
The purpose of the internship is to allow the student in initial formation to live, work, and pray in one of our houses outside a formation community. It is a time to see how well the professed friar works and lives with others. The brother is typically assigned by the Provincial and Council in one of our ministerial sites. The brother grows in his awareness of ministry and the active site of the community life of a Carmelite friar. The goal is to integrate the values taught in the novitiate and to identify as a consecrated religious generously giving to neighbors and God.